Letter sent to New Indian Express 0n 25th April, '06
Even as the country is moving fast towards liberalisation (a term as a substitute for the word 'privatisation', since the P-word is still an anathema to the Indian socialistic mind-set) of even the Railways, Ports and Airports, it is most shocking that a motley group of unionists calling themselves the 'National Federation of Postal Employees' has managed to make this big a thrust in the reverse direction. It is particularly shocking considering that the private sector dominated courier industry in the country has fully matured today, from the time of liberalisation almost a decade back, and is most indispensable to the efficient functioning of the nation's economy. In fact, the maturity has reached a level where there is no more the need for even any fresh regulatory mechanism, as is being suggested by the unionists. A question that arises in all this is how come the minister concerned, Sri Dayanidhi Maran, of SUN TV fame, which the unionists can similarly accuse ( alongwith the other channels) of having usurped Doordarshan's business, have allowed this campaign to progress this far? Also, why are the Manmohan Singh's and Chidambaram's totally silent?
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